In Stock

Ribbon Bag

3,900.00 рсд



Ribbon torba je konačno stigla! Krasi je elegantna mašna koju možeš vezivati po sopstvenoj želji. Izrađena je od premium materijala otpornog na sneg, kišu, ulje i vatru. Zahvaljujući sigurnosnoj kopči i prostranom dizajnu, savršena je za sve tvoje stvari, uključujući i laptop. Dostupna u ograničenim količinama.

The Ribbon bag is finally here! Featuring an elegant bow that you can tie according to your preference. Made from premium material that’s resistant to snow, rain, oil, and fire. With its secure closure and spacious design, it’s perfect for all your essentials, including a laptop. Available in limited quantities.

Pakete šaljemo putem Post Express službe na teritoriji Srbije. Vreme dostave paketa je 24h – 72h.
We ship packages via the Post Express service within the territory of Serbia. Delivery time is 24 – 72h.